Innovators at the Forefront

Success Stories from HOST Park

At the heart of NELHA’s HOST Park, visionaries embark on journeys of unparalleled innovation. From leveraging the deep ocean's resources to pioneering sustainable solutions for our planet’s pressing challenges, these success stories illuminate the relentless spirit of collaboration, research, and entrepreneurship.

Each narrative stands testament to the transformative impact of HOST Park’s unique environment and the boundless potential of the minds it nurtures. Dive into these tales of inspiration, grit, and groundbreaking achievements.

Blue Ocean Mariculture keiki kanpachi fish
Cyanotech algae
Ocean Era Limu
Makai Ocean Engineering heat exchange technology
HOST Park coastline
HATCH cohort ceremony
Terraformation greenhouse
Salts of Hawaii products
ʻĀkoʻakoʻa boat off the Kona coast
Symbrosia limu kohu lab
HATCH Hawaiian Blessing
Cyanotech algae ponds
Blue Ocean Mariculture

Blue Ocean Mariculture: Pioneering Sustainable Aquaculture in the US

As the only open ocean aquaculture farm growing fin fish in the US, Blue Ocean Mariculture takes their role as pioneers seriously. With a focus on environmental, social responsibility, and quality, they're setting a new standard for sustainable fish farming.
Kona Kanpachi from Blue Ocean Mariculture

Cyanotech: Harnessing Nature to Nurture Global Health

From the pristine conditions of HOST Park, Cyanotech has pioneered breakthroughs in microalgae production, offering the world potent natural antioxidants. Dive into the journey of how they transform sunlight, seawater, and innovative tech into global health solutions.
Cyanotech spirulina and BioAstin products

Sustaining Oceans, Shaping Futures: HATCH's Pioneering Path

HOST Park, a nexus of marine marvels, has found a kindred spirit in Wayne Murphy's HATCH. Committed to revolutionizing seafood technology, their collaboration echoes a shared drive for sustainability and innovation. Traverse this narrative of vision and evolution.
HATCH cohort 5 at HOST Park
Makai Ocean Engineering

The OTEC Legacy of HOST Park & Makai's Vision in Action

From its OTEC origins, HOST Park has championed oceanic breakthroughs. Michael Eldred and Makai Ocean Engineering, with NELHA's unique support, continue this legacy, harnessing the ocean's vast energy. Discover this journey of vision and achievement.
Michael Eldred of Makai Ocean Engineering
Ocean Era

Ocean Era: Rethinking Aquaculture for a Sustainable Future

Led by Neil Anthony Sims, Ocean Era stands at the forefront of aquaculture research, harnessing HOST Park's unique resources to revolutionize our relationship with the ocean. As global demands shift, Ocean Era is not just mitigating humanity's impact on the seas but reshaping how we view sustainable seafood production.
Neil Sims founder of Ocean Era holding seaweed
Sea Salts of Hawaiʻi

Sea Salts of Hawaiʻi: Preserving Traditions and Ocean Conservation

Blending traditional salt-gathering with modern techniques, Sea Salts of Hawaiʻi is more than a salt farm. Discover their dedication to ocean preservation and the Papahānaumokuākea project.
Sea Salts of Hawaii store

Blending Tradition & Innovation: Symbrosia's Climate Solution at HOST Park

Symbrosia, based at HOST Park, fuses traditional Hawaiian knowledge with innovation. Under Alexia Akbay's leadership, they harness native Hawaiian seaweed to counter methane emissions. This venture not only seeks climate solutions but also navigates the use of a culturally revered resource.
Alexia Akbay of Symbrosia

Terraformation: Fostering Biodiversity in the Face of Climate Change

Terraformation's mission transcends mere reforestation—it's a holistic endeavor to restore complex ecosystems and combat climate change. At HOST Park, they harness the unique resources and join a vibrant scientific community, laying down roots for a sustainable future.
Terraformation seed bank at HOST Park

ʻĀkoʻakoʻa: Uniting Communities for Coral Restoration

Driven by the essence of community, ʻĀkoʻakoʻa blends science, culture, and collaboration to revive the coral reefs of West Hawaii. Discover how this project by ASU is transforming not just the marine environment, but the very fabric of island society.
Chad Paishon and Greg Asner of ʻĀkoʻakoʻa